Feb 8, 2010

I have signed up with Lynda.com and I am currently about half way through the first training module. This first of module deals with the basics of Cascade Style Sheets(CSS) and how to use Adobe Dreamweaver to create a standardized CSS web page. Lynda.com is a great learning resource and I'm impressed with the quality of the training videos. Although I'm only about half way through this first module, my understanding of what CSS is has greatly increased. I went from not knowing anything about CSS to have a good grasp on what CSS is and how its used to create industry standard web pages.

However, there are a few things that are not going that well; I don't have Dreamweaver, ASU provides online Dreamweaver access but it will not save files locally, and I can not be on campus to take advantage of ASU computer labs. With all of that being said, its more of a small issue than a big roadblock. I am looking into buying Adobe Dreamweaver. I will be taking advantage of my student status and order Dreamweaver at a large discount.

My goals for next week are:
  • Have a purchased copy of Dreamweaver installed
  • Have the first module complete
  • Start into the next module--either an advanced CSS module or an intro into Flash
  • Have a draft out-line of what information will be in the non-profit's web site

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